Housing development.

Client: Private

Project type: Housing Development Site for 5No. 3 Bed Cottages.

Completed: Ongoing

Approximate value: TBC

The owners of this site approached WGADD in March 2015 regarding the feasibility of developing part of their site to provide additional housing within a local catchment area which was falling short of its housing requirements.

After our initial site investigation it became apparent that the client’s site unfortunately fell literally the wrong side of the road for the current Local Plan and development would not be an option. However, after discussions with the Local Authority and the introduction of a Planning Consultant it materialised that due to a short fall in development the Local Authority invited local residents, land owners, developers and other interested parties to put forward sites for development via a ‘Call For Site Applications. These would be assessed under the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) which is used to inform the selection of suitable sites to be taken forward in the Local Plan.

After two and a half years hard work by ourselves in collaboration with the client and planning consultants, the above site layout was agreed for inclusion within the Local Plan.